Thursday, August 28, 2014

Faces of Children: Prayer Concerns for This Week

Faces of Children is an ecumenical prayer ministry under the auspices of First Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas. Our mission is to initiate ministries of prayer for children in churches, communities, and neighborhoods. In doing so, we seek to provide an opportunity for people of God to join together, learn about children and their needs throughout the world, and celebrate Christ's love (especially as it relates to children).

Prayer Concerns for the Week of 07/31/14


Several years ago, Nancy* formed a children’s home in Burma called Hallelujah Orphanage. She and her family care for 11 abused, neglected, or orphaned children in their home. They provide a loving environment that is safe and stable for these vulnerable children. The children who live at Hallelujah Orphanage are able to pursue an education and experience daily the abundant love of Jesus Christ. This time of year in Burma, there is a lot of illness and the hospital in Nancy’s community is overwhelmed with sick children and adults. Nancy’s father, mother and three of the children are ill with fevers. One of the little boys has been diagnosed with tuberculosis and is on medication for six months. Nancy’s friend Beth* took her 6-year-old daughter to the hospital and it was so overcrowded there were no more beds available—people had to stay on the porch. Beth’s daughter died late last month.
Please pray God’s healing touch will be upon Nancy’s family and the children at Hallelujah Orphanage. Pray for their complete recovery. Pray the other children and family members will remain healthy.
Pray for Beth and her family as they grieve the loss of this precious daughter. Pray God will comfort them in this season of sadness. Pray God will also bring comfort to the children at Hallelujah Orphanage who were good friends with this little girl.
Please pray God will provide the resources Nancy and her family need to continue helping these children.

Burma, China

The Salween River is Southeast Asia’s second longest river and flows through China, Thailand, and Burma to the Andaman Sea. The river is a lifeline for the six million mostly ethnic and religious minority people groups living in its watershed as it provides food and jobs. This precious resource is threatened by the proposed development of 13 hydropower dams along the Salween River in China and another six in Burma. Most of the electricity produced would be exported to China and Thailand. The proposed dams in Burma are located in former or current conflict zones which has led to increased fighting between the Burma Army and ethnic rebels over control of this natural resource. Reports of land grabs, forced labor, and forced relocation of communities by the Burma Army have also surfaced. Because this region isn’t well known, it is much easier to exploit. The Burma Army also silences any opposition with threats or violence.
more on this issue
Please pray for the children and families of Burma’s ethnic and religious minorities who are affected by the development of hydropower dams along the Salween River.
Pray for families who’ve been forcibly removed from their homes and communities. Pray God will provide for their immediate needs. Please pray they will have safe shelter, clean water, sufficient food, and medical care while displaced from their communities.
Pray for those who face the loss of livelihood and culture because of the dam developments.
Please pray for leaders in these ethnic and religious people groups as they risk their lives to raise awareness about the destructiveness of overdeveloping the Salween River.
Pray the leaders in countries bordering this lifeline can forge an agreement on how to develop and sustain the Salween River basin.

Faces of Children

Faces of Children prayer partner Meg experiences excruciating pain because of multiple issues with her spine and a possible cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak that’s forced her brain’s cerebellar tonsils into her spinal column. This herniation increases pressure on the brainstem and causes problems with the normal functions of the brain and/or spinal cord. Meg’s pain has recently gotten worse. She is now having daily headaches and intense neck and back pain that is only relieved by lying down. Meg has started working with a new doctor that specializes in pain management and who is a prayerful, Jesus-loving doctor.
more on this issue
Please pray God will bless Meg with complete healing from this debilitating pain. Pray she will be free from it so she might be able to serve God in more ways than which she is currently capable.
Give God thanks for the new doctor with whom Meg is now working. Pray he will be able to find a pain management plan that works well for Meg.
Thanks be to God for the loving and supportive husband, daughter, church community, and friends that surround Meg and support her in this challenging season.
Please continue to pray that more churches and individuals will join with the ministry of Faces of Children in spreading awareness about children in crisis and inviting more people to pray for children at risk.

If you have prayer requests about children, those who care for them, those who have authority over them, or those who harm them (the really hard prayers to say sometimes), please send them to Chris Laufer, FOC Coordinator, at

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