Thursday, May 21, 2020

From TBM ... "A historic week"

Commonly known as Texas Baptist Men, TBM empowers Christians just like you to take on the biggest challenges around the globe, changing the world one radical act of service and compassion at a time. Since 1967, TBM volunteers have delivered help, hope and healing to millions of hurting people and raising up the next generation to do likewise. As a result of its service, TBM has helped start and train disaster relief groups in all 50 states, giving birth to the nation's third-largest disaster relief network in the nation.

"A historic week"

Earlier this week, the latest Texas unemployment numbers were released. More than two million Texans have filed for unemployment benefits in the past two months. For reference, that's as many requests as have been filed in the past three years combined.

That historically awful news was met by a God-sized response from you. In the past week, the Lord has moved in your hearts and you have responded like never before. We are 94 percent of the way to our goal of being able to provide 50,000 meals by the end of next week. That's incredible.

Your gifts already are making a difference in lives in cities like Amarillo, Dallas, Del Rio, Houston, Lubbock, Marble Falls, San Antonio and Weslaco.

Together, we are providing more than meals.

At each church TBM is helping serve, cars line up and often wrap around buildings before food distributions begin.

People come from every walk of life, every career background and every corner of the community. But they all have lost their jobs and are looking for help.

Through encouraging words, they find the strength to push forward in uncertain times. Through brief conversations and prayer, they're reminded that God cares about them. Through meals, they gain the nutrition and support they need to care for their families. God is present and working in these moments.

We are transforming lives through churches.

Just this week, you helped feed more than 135 families through First Baptist Church in San Antonio. You provided 530 meals to people who had lost their jobs during the COVID-19 shutdown through Highland Lakes Crisis Network and First Baptist Church in Marble Falls. Another 125 families now have meals through Bethlehem Baptist Church in Mansfield.

Because you gave, seniors will eat this week. Because you gave people will have hope they can make it through the COVID crisis. Because you gave, parents will be able to put food on the table for their children.

Many of these people are interacting with churches for the first time. Conversations are starting. Parents are seeing how churches care about them and their children. They see a body of believers that is caring for them unconditionally while the rest of the world is trying to protect itself. That matters deeply.

These meals are helping churches share the gospel long-term.

Larry and his wife, Gabby, work, well have worked, at Luby’s Cafeteria. Due to COVID protective measures, they are both out of work and are home with their three elementary school age children. The groceries First Baptist Church in San Antonio and you through TBM are providing twice a week has helped stretch their remaining budget further. The prayers at each visit help comfort their souls and ease their anxiety.

While food is the most often staple provided, often a growing family needs other household items. When we delivered their food Wednesday, we also delivered a new twin mattress to give the oldest child a better place to sleep.

Helping feed families is another way TBM has stepped up to increase the reach of a church’s ministry in the community. Through your generosity, TBM is expanding churches’ witness.

Thank you for all you are doing through TBM to advance the cause of Christ. The impact you are having in these two weeks will ripple into eternity.

In the SONshine,
Mickey Lenamon
TBM Chief Executive Officer

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