Wednesday, December 30, 2020

WAW Wednesday ... "2020 IN THE REAR VIEW!!!"

"The Word at Work is a ministry that mobilizes churches and individuals to answer God's call to minister to those in need," writes Rev. Tim Tam, Spiritual Director of the Amarillo, Texas-based ministry. "Through our relationships, God reveals needs and opportunities for service. As we come along side the poor, new friendships develop and doors for ministry open. As we serve, God provides the resources to supply for the needs he reveals."

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WAW Wednesday: "2020 IN THE REAR VIEW!!!"

Friends of The Word,

Needless to say we are all looking forward to 2021 !!! With new hope and anticipation, we at the Word at Work, are planning and preparing for Great things to happen in our ministry for the people of Belize.

2020 has indeed been a challenge in so many ways ! Not having teams from the US working with the ministry partners in Belize, has been a huge disappointment, due to Covid limitations. But yet we persevered, by feeding hundreds of families through our Feed the Need program. And through generous donations from many people and churches, a container with One Million meals of dehydrated food is due to arrive this week !!

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Kenny and Chepito have been busy organizing fellow Belizean’s to deliver the thousands of Christmas toys to our TWAW partners, which allows them to give gifts to the children in their areas. This is usually a joint activity with folks from the US but not this year. With this opportunity for Belizeans to serve Belizeans, many children will receive gifts !! And hopefully after hurricanes, flooding, and Covid limited classrooms, they can have somewhat of a normal Christmas!

We as the leadership and board of TWAW, were tasked with a difficult choice recently. We have decided to not recommend or support travel to Belize until the Covid situation has been resolved or vaccines have proven themselves and are widely available in both the US and Belize. This is incredibly difficult for us. We accept the responsibility of everyone who travels in our name and understand the frustration this decision brings.

We , however, invite you to join us in supporting Belizeans helping Belizeans. We ask that you continue to give to our Feed the Need program to provide food, medical supplies, clothing, beds and bedding and whatever Need arises in the next few months. Lets do whatever we can do to help our friends in Belize.


Our Lord is Great, lets watch Him work !!

Ron Allen - Executive Director
Tim Tam - Spiritual Director

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Speaking from my own first-hand experience - working side-by-side with Tim, Kenny and our brothers and sisters in Belize - won't you give thoughtful, prayerful consideration to supporting the efforts of Ron and Tim, the Word At Work staff and their partners?

Also, remember that you can follow The Word At Work on their Facebook page!

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