Thursday, February 24, 2011

Faces of Children: Prayer Requests

Faces of Children is an ecumenical prayer ministry under the auspices of First Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas. Our mission is to initiate ministries of prayer for children in churches, communities, and neighborhoods. In doing so, we seek to provide an opportunity for people of God to join together, learn about children and their needs throughout the world, and celebrate Christ's love (especially as it relates to children).

Prayer Concerns for the week of 2/23/11

Please keep the children and people of Egypt in prayer during this season of political unrest. Pray for those who have been hurt in the fighting between political factions. Pray for children who have witnessed this violence, for those who are terrified by it, and for those who are deeply affected by it.
A report from The Washington Post
A report from Reuters/
Pray for the peaceful transfer of leadership in Egypt. Pray for Christian children and families in Egypt during this time of unrest and upheaval.
A report from Yahoo News

Please pray for the 810,000 children and people of Haiti who still struggle to survive more than a year after the January 2010 earthquake. Pray for those who live in tents and makeshift shelters in the 1,150 camps set up after the earthquake. Pray for those still without proper shelter, electricity, sufficient food and medical care, employment, and education.
A report from The Washington Post

Zambia ( CURE International – )
Pray for the disabled children receiving treatment at the CURE International Hospital in Zambia and for the medical staff and caregivers there. Also pray for two 18-year-old young women, Karen and Christine.

United States
Pray for 2-year-old Ethan who is at the center of a custody battle. Pray that Ethan would be placed in the best possible home for him at this time in his life. Pray for a loving and supportive community to surround this little boy. Pray that Ethan’s mother might be healed from her addiction to heroin…she has recently relapsed.
Please keep Carrie, a young mother with 3-year-old twins and a 1-year-old, and her family in prayer as she begins treatment for a brain tumor. Pray for God’s healing touch and for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Pray that God will guide Carrie and her family as they make difficult decisions about her medical care. Pray for the physicians and staff she encounters at the cancer center—that they will be thorough and kind in caring for this young mom.
Pray that 1-year-old Madison*will continue to gain weight and thrive in her paternal grandparents’ care. Pray for her mother who recently lost custody of Madison because she wasn’t feeding her regularly. Madison has a feeding tube and must receive nourishment on a consistent basis or she loses weight easily. Pray that Madison’s mother and maternal grandmother will understand what is best for this little girl and be supportive instead of angry.
Give thanks to God that 10-year-old Katherine was able to have emergency dental surgery to take care of the severe infection in her mouth. Pray for healing and comfort as she recovers from having several teeth pulled and the infection treated.
Pray for children and families who are homeless during this winter season. Pray that God will provide shelter and stability for them during this winter’s dangerous storms.
Give thanks to God for the young life of Christina Taylor Green, a 9-year-old girl who was killed in Tucson, Arizona by a gunman on January 8. Pray for her friends, classmates, family, and other children in her community who were deeply affected by her death.
     o Pray that parents, caregivers, and teachers are able to find the right words and actions that will help children deal with their grief and fear in constructive ways.
     o Please pray for the families of the others killed in this tragic incident and pray God will bring them peace. Pray for God’s healing touch on those who were injured.
A report from ABC News
A report from The Washington Post

Faces of Children
Give thanks to God for the life of Margaret Farley, a Faces of Children intercessor in Sanderson, Texas, who died February 8, 2011. Please keep Margaret’s family and friends held close in prayer during their season of sorrow.
Please continue to pray that more churches and individuals will join with the ministry of Faces of Children in spreading awareness about children in crisis and inviting more people to pray for children at risk.

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