Thursday, January 26, 2012

From ServLife International: "January 2012 Message"

ServLife International is a movement defined by values of God’s kingdom, not programs built around human efforts and activities. The reign and rule of God should be made apparent to every person on the planet, despite their religion, race or socioeconomic status. We believe that issues of justice are inseparable from the good news that Jesus Christ came to proclaim. ServLife exists to take the gospel of Christ and the hope of a better, more just, world to the lives of people we touch. This happens through individual contributions of time, creativity, resources and dreams.

"Making a World of Difference"
By Jeff Romack

ServLife International

Okay, I'll admit it. I am something of a football fan. I'm not exactly a raving fan but I do enjoy the game if not all the hype that so often goes with it. This, of course, is the season that is especially good to fans of the game what with the college bowl games and now the NFL playoffs. All that leads up to the Super Bowl which, by the way, will be held here in Indianapolis next month but that is another story.

I'm sure you've noticed that players and coaches alike have a jargon peculiar to their sport. And because sports play such a significant role in American life we often end up borrowing terms from the world of sports for our own wider use. Now everyone can "hit a home run, " "score!" or make a "slam dunk!" but sometimes, unfortunately, we also "strikeout.'"

One expression of the sports vernacular that I've heard recently is an exceptional athlete referred to as a "difference-maker." A "difference-maker" is a special player that is able to change the course of a game by virtue of a combination of innate ability and the development of that ability to high level. This takes an uncommon commitment on the part of the individual. Difference-makers are what separate championship level teams from the rest of the pack.

Okay, so here is where I borrow some of the jargon to say that the donors of ServLife, those that pray for us and give to the causes that we advocate for and serve; you are our "difference-makers!" All that we do to serve orphans and children-at-risk, all that we do to train and support church planters in the remote corners of the earth, all that we do to help create and support means of sustainable income for the poor - all of it depends on you-- and us -working together to make a difference in this world of need.

Making a world of difference is our vision and our hope at ServLife. For those of you that are already on our team, we are glad to be in it with you. For those who have yet to get in the game, we are looking for more difference-makers to get involved. Won't you consider one or more of the possibilities below?

We also want to make you aware of a new member to our staff. We are pleased to announce that we have hired Adam Nevins as our new Director of Operations. Adam has been a part of our community for a long time, and brings diverse experience from the business, church and nonprofit realms.

Having founded a nonprofit and an active volunteer with many more, Adam has a passion for seeing Jesus minister to the spiritual and physical needs of humanity through the Body of Christ. His eight years as a worship pastor fueled his understanding of true worship and justice, as well as cultivating a pastoral heart.

Adam and his wife Christin have been married for 12 years and are blessed with three children: Carolyn, Emily and David. They have had the joy of adopting from India, attend Common Ground Christian Church, and have raised their family in an inner-city Indianapolis neighborhood for the last 8 years.

Adam concluded his work as a Project Manager at a local multimedia firm last December and joined our staff at the beginning of this year. Welcome, Adam!

You can make a difference in this world of need ...

• Pray with us and for us. CLICK HERE and join those who pray for ServLife
   and all we do.
• Give to train and send a church planter to the frontiers of the gospel.
   CLICK HERE to make a one-time gift, or give on a monthly basis.
• Make a difference in the life of a child . . . give . . .hope. CLICK HERE to
   become a ServLife child sponsor.
• Serve the poor through micro-lending. CLICK HERE to give to the ServLife
   Hope Fund.

Thanks for all you do,

ServLife International is a non-profit organization planting communities of the Kingdom and restoring hope to children-at-risk and the global poor.

ServLife International, Inc.
P.O. Box 20596
Indianapolis, IN 46220

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