Thursday, June 6, 2019

FBR Report: "Homecoming to an Unknown Home "

The Free Burma Rangers (FBR) is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement. They bring help, hope and love to people in the war zones of Burma (Myanmar) and the Middle East. Groups send teams to be trained, supplied and sent into the areas under attack to provide emergency assistance and human rights documentation. Together with other groups, the teams work to serve people in need.

FBR Photo
"Homecoming to an Unknown Home "

Dear friends,

The newly trained Karenni Rangers all live in a refugee camp. The majority of them were born in the camp and have lived their whole lives in the camp. They are Karenni, and speak Karenni, but have never spent any length of time living in Karenni State. In March and April they went on their first FBR mission, and it was also the first time any of them had spent time in the land of their roots ...

CLICK HERE to read/watch the rest of this FBR Report ...

CLICK HERE to learn how YOU can get involved in FBR and its mission ...

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