Thursday, September 28, 2023

Reaching Out on Behalf of MRC&CAC

I am now three weerks into retirement ... but that doesn't mean I'm not keepng busy!

 One of the things I’m doing in retirement, is public service work. Once again this year, I’m a ‘Shoe Guy,’ volunteering and raising funds for the Midland Rape Crisis and Children’s Advocacy Center through their annual ‘Wine, Women & Shoes’ event.

 The MRCCAC ( ) provides support, hope, and healing for survivors of sexual assault and child abuse in the Permian Basin. Their goal is to eradicate all forms of abuse through education and empowerment, but until that day they will provide every service possible for survivors to help them move forward.

I have had more than a little contact with MRCCAC and their personnel, and have seen them at work. Their service to our community is INVALUABLE, and worthy of our support.

Please give thoughtful, prayerful consideration to visiting Midland Rape Crisis and Children's Advocacy Center ( and making a contribution.

Thank you for attention, and your assistance!


Jeff McDonald

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