Sunday, June 6, 2010

HOT Topics at First Prez: Starts Today

Ten theologians ... ten challenges to faith ... twelve weeks this summer. You are invited to attend a special summer Sunday Schools series at First Presbyterian Church-Midland, addressing ten issues that are obstacles to faith for many both in and outside of the church.

Ten Christian and Jewish theologians, world experts in their respective fields as well as people of faith, were each asked to address a single perplexing issue, such as the existence of evil or the relationship between religion and science. The result is the "
Serious Answers" course prepared by Wesley Ministry Network, which will encourage energetic discussion and sustained reflection by both believers and seekers.

The series - mixing video presentations with live discussion among attendees - will be offered Sundays, June 6 - August 22, 9:30-10:30 a.m. in Lynn Fellowship Hall at First Prez-Midland, on the northwest corner of A and Texas streets, on the west edge of downtown Midland.

All adults are welcome!

1. Evil - R. Kendall Soulen, Wesley Theological Seminary
2. Religion and Science - John Polkinghorne, Cambridge University
3. Other Religions - Sathianathan Clarke, Wesley Theological Seminary
4. Evangelism and Tolerance - Scott Jones, Bishop; formerly Perkins Schl. Theo.
5. The God of the Old Testament - Amy-Jill Levine, Vanderbilt Divinity School
6. Jesus and Christianity - Richard B. Hays, Duke Divinity School
7. Resurrection - N.T. Wright, Bishop; formerly Oxford University
8. The Gnostic Gospels - Ben Witherington, Asbury Theological Seminary
9. The Sins of the Church - Douglas M. Strong, Wesley Theological Seminary
10. Forgiveness - L. Gregory Jones, Duke Divinity School (Dean)

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