Monday, September 20, 2010

Midland Group Suggests 5 Ways to Help the Persecuted Church in China - #3, ADVOCATE

The China Aid Association is a non-profit Christian organization - based in Midland, Texas - with a mission to uncover and reveal the truth about religious persecution in China, focusing especially on the unofficial church. They do this, they explain in their website, by exposing the abuses, encouraging the abused and equipping the saints to advance the kingdom of God throughout China.

Midland Group Suggests 5 Ways to Help the Persecuted Church in China - #3, ADVOCATE

Released by ChinaAid ...

"Your voice is a powerful weapon for the freedom of the persecuted in China. While the Chinese Communist Party attempts to silence the voices of millions of house church Christians, they cannot silence your voice on behalf of your brothers and sisters. Through letter writing, phone calls, fax and e-mails, you can be an advocate to Chinese authorities and U.S. government officials."

"In the minds of government officials worldwide, one letter or phone call from someone who invests time and thought counts as many from those who agree, but did not take the time to write. We have seen many prisoners released and actions taken as the direct result of prayer and advocacy."

"When you are speaking out on behalf of the persecuted, it is important to remember to reflect the Spirit of Christ. The following are tips to help you advocate effectively:
1. Begin with prayer.
2. Be polite.
3. Demonstrate respect.
4. Avoid politics. If you are requesting a prisoner’s release or humane treatment, stick with legal and/or moral reasons.
5. Agree when you can. For example, we all agree that ideas are powerful. But the government need not fear Christian ideas. Rather, it should be glad to have a growing Christian population, because Christians are taught to pray for those in authority and to honor them.
6. Request, rather than demand.
7. Point out benefits the official may not have considered. For example, if China granted its Christian population complete religious freedom, its overall productivity would increase, because Christians are taught to work as though they are serving the Lord."

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