Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Word from Uganda: "Cultural Moments"

Missionary teacher Natalie Rolfe writes, "'When He calls me, I will answer ... I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.' My call was Mbale, Uganda and that is where I have returned to serve for another year. Specifically, I am teaching phonics at Lulwanda Children's Home, an orphanage and school for 90 kids." Natalie also keeps an online journal of her service at the weblog, When He calls me, I will answer ...

Cultural Moments

"There are still moments, despite the 3 years I have spent in Africa, that I am still caught off guard by the sheer difference in culture or reality (in comparison to how I have grown up knowing life),” Natalie writes. "For those who have been here awhile and “ culture shock” has ideally warn off, we call these times of realization, cultural moments. Really, I think they are one in the same. And if I am honest with myself, I pray that I will never grow immune to these cultural moments. I don’t want things to be too normal or unmoving because then I am less likely to be seeing the hand of God.”
CLICK HERE to read the rest of Natalie's post

If you are interested in supporting LCH by sponsoring one of the 90 children, go to www.ugandaorphans.org If you are interested in financially supporting Natalie in her mission, you can send checks (with "Natalie Rolfe" in memo) to: Midland Bible Church, 2800 North A Street, Midland, TX 79705

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