Friday, July 17, 2020

From @mmm_water ... Feel Good Friday: Join a celebration like no other!

Sharing the love of Jesus by providing safe, clean, sustainable sources of drinking water to the extreme poor in sub-Saharan Africa, Marion Medical Mission is one of our mission partners at Grace Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas, and we STRONGLY encourage you to read the following to learn more about - and pray for! - their mission.


Due to concerns over Covid-19, MMM has reluctantly decided to cancel the participation of American volunteers this fall. However, 3,000 wells are NOT cancelled! Our African staff is capable & dedicated to clean water in Jesus' name! Please support them with love, prayers & donations! Together, we make the impossible possible!

MMM Photo
Join a celebration like no other!

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." (Colossians 3:23)

At the end of volunteers' three week mission trip, MMM hosts a beautiful gathering - volunteers and staff share stories from their recent experience living in rural Africa and installing pumps on thousands of wells. The night features great laughter and ample joy, not to mention the best food anyone has had had for weeks.At the end of volunteers' three week mission trip, MMM hosts a beautiful gathering - volunteers and staff share stories from their recent experience living in rural Africa and installing pumps on thousands of wells. The night features great laughter and ample joy, not to mention the best food anyone has had had for weeks.At the end of volunteers' three week mission trip, MMM hosts a beautiful gathering - volunteers and staff share stories from their recent experience living in rural Africa and installing pumps on thousands of wells. The night features great laughter and ample joy, not to mention the best food anyone has had had for weeks.

A tradition for the evening, after we have feasted on the sumptuous meal, is for everyone present – African staff and American volunteers – to say a few words about their experience during well season. There are funny stories told by the Africans about the volunteers, and we all laugh together. There are heartfelt stories about our experiences which cause a tear to slip from the eye.

I listened. I listened and I watched. I listened to this room full of beautiful, compassionate, dedicated men – the African staff – talk about their experiences in the field among the villagers. I listened as one told the story of the death of a family member during the well installation season, and how he told the family to bury their loved one; he needed to stay in the field with the volunteers, as they had work which needed to be done right now. Story after story after story - I listened, and watched, and my heart melted even more. There in this room, is the greatest gathering one could imagine. . .people of great faith, and in the case of the African staff, people who are also sacrificing every day to make their part of the world a better and safer place for their people. Protected water sources; shallow wells.

The African staff are all my brothers, and I have such love for them. As the evening ended, Field Officer Sam Hara took my hand as we made a large circle for prayer. He leaned in, and in a whisper, sung these words to me:

Bind us together,
Lord, bind us together

with cords that cannot be broken.

Bind us together,

Lord, bind us together,

Lord, Bind us together in love.

Thank you, donors, for making this possible - you bring the celebrations!

Ideas for Feel Good Friday Emails?

Today's Feel Good Friday email was shared by Rev. Janice West, a 2-time volunteer on MMM mission trips. If you have a thought, a story, or an idea for a future email, please share by emailing Together, we make the impossible possible!

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