Thursday, July 23, 2020

In the News ... GUEST VIEW: "Robert E. Lee’s name mustn’t have any more power "

"A problem with a solution which is within our grasp as a community at this time"

Lorry Blong, District 4 Representative, Midland City Council, Contributor
Midland Reporter-Telegram

MIDLAND, TEXAS - Names carry power and influence.

There is a reason your mother calls you by your full name and you KNOW you are in trouble. There is a reason you are devoted to the coach who called you by name on the first day of practice.

Names are important; they have the power to change our emotions, our loyalties and our perspectives. Ask any teacher and she can give you a list of names she would NEVER assign to her pet chinchilla…much less bestow upon her actual child. We pay attention to the names we love and the names we hate; we subconsciously assign characteristics to certain names ...

Read the rest of this MRT report ...

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