Wednesday, July 29, 2020

WAW Wednesday ... "Will YOU be a ray of HOPE"

"The Word at Work is a ministry that mobilizes churches and individuals to answer God's call to minister to those in need," writes Rev. Tim Tam, Spiritual Director of the Amarillo, Texas-based ministry. "Through our relationships, God reveals needs and opportunities for service. As we come along side the poor, new friendships develop and doors for ministry open. As we serve, God provides the resources to supply for the needs he reveals."

WAW Photo
WAW Wednesday: "Will YOU be a ray of HOPE"

Friends of The Word,

HOPE! As you read the Vision Statement for the Education Enhancement Program, you will find it is all about you giving HOPE to the people of Belize. This HOPE especially touches the youth.

"Facilitate quality of life improvement at the family, community, district, and national level through educational, material, and spiritual support as determined by the local community and the mandates of scripture."

Because of our donors' generosity, the Word at Work has been able to help many students who live in abject poverty. The route out of this poverty is through education. Each community has a team of leaders who carefully screen the students' academic records, as well as their roles in their community and church. The combined efforts of student, family, church, community, government, and the Word at Work provide educational opportunities for these young people.

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Please join this effort by becoming a sponsor. $200 (US) per school year helps a young person attend high school. Educated Christian adults can become the force to affect the nation of Belize for years to come.

Helping Young Voices Be Heard
William J. (Bill) Wade
Education Enhancement Program
Cell: (806) 670-7556

Bill is a wonderful friend from The Word at Work and has done amazing work for our Education program. Please consider giving to this cause.

God Bless You and Thank You,

Ron Allen - Executive Director
Tim Tam - Spiritual Director

EDITOR'S NOTE: Speaking from my own first-hand experience - working side-by-side with Tim, Kenny and our brothers and sisters in Belize - won't you give thoughtful, prayerful consideration to supporting the efforts of Ron and Tim, the Word At Work staff and their partners?

Also, remember that you can follow The Word At Work on their Facebook page!

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