Monday, June 29, 2015

FPC-Midland Uganda Mission 2015: "You are the branches"

After much preparation, packing and prayer, a team of our brothers and sisters in Christ - men, women and children from West Texas - will be at work in the east Africa nation of Uganda as part of an ongoing, annual Christian mission effort. The 2015 Uganda Mission Team from First Presbyterian Church-Midland will be posting reports from Uganda - along with photos, videos and more - on the Uganda Mission Team 2015 blog.

You are the branches

Today was the very last day for us in the village. The worship had already begun as our vans pulled up and our team joyously searched for where we might be able to fit into an already packed church ...

... Tonight, we are packing up all of our things, deciding what to donate and what to bring home, what to give and what to take away. Our hearts are trying to figure out the same thing ....

read the rest of this post, and enjoy more photos ... 

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