Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Word from Thailand: "It's all in your perspective"

Brett and Shelly Faucett are Mission Partners with Interserve that are living in Chiang Mai, Thailand. They are working in three main areas: HIV/AIDS, Special needs children and Human Trafficking. Brett is a nurse and amateur photographer. Shelly was a former literacy specialist and ESL teacher. They both love travelling and seeing the world, especially Africa and Asia. They have 2 high spirited daughters Acacia (9yrs old)and Annapurna (7yrs old). The Thailand Mission Team from FPC and TPC in Midland had a chance to meet with them during our mission to that country in 2008.

"It's all in your perspective"

"Yesterday I went to visit McKean Hospital with our CAM staff and a volunteer that is here helping us for 2 weeks. McKean Hospital is one of the first hospitals in Thailand that was devoted solely to treating people with Leprosy. McKean Hospital was founded in 1908 by Presbyterian Missionaries Mr and Mrs McKean. McKean is surrounded on one side by a river and a stream that connects the river to create an island of sorts. The hospital grew in stages of being a leprosy colony and hospital to a leprosy rehabilitation center providing physical and occupational therapy. Their goal is to empower these patients to attain their maximum potential physically and to be psychologically healthy with a sense of worth and self acceptance, and to be able to live productive lives with acceptance and dignity in their own community"

CLICK HERE for the rest
of this post at their Committed to the Calling blog

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