Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Faces of Children: Prayer Requests

Faces of Children is an ecumenical prayer ministry under the auspices of First Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas. Our mission is to initiate ministries of prayer for children in churches, communities, and neighborhoods. In doing so, we seek to provide an opportunity for people of God to join together, learn about children and their needs throughout the world, and celebrate Christ's love (especially as it relates to children).

Prayer Concerns for the week of 5/1/13


• Please continue to keep Nancy* and the children for whom she cares at Hallelujah Orphanage in Burma held close in prayer. Pray God will provide the resources Nancy and her family need to care for all 11 children (ranging in age from 9 to 18) in their home. Pray God will bring complete healing to Nancy who has been suffering from severe stomach pain for quite some time. Please pray this pain will be relieved soon.

• Pray for the little girl at this orphanage who didn't pass her exam when all the other children passed theirs. Give God thanks these children have the opportunity to attend school and receive an education. Thanks be to God the children are able to attend a special conference at a church near their home where they will learn more about Jesus Christ.


• Keep the people of China's Sichuan province close in prayer as they deal with the aftereffects of a powerful 6.6 magnitude earthquake on April 20, 2013. Pray medical and humanitarian assistance will be able to reach the thousands who were injured as many roads in this mountainous region were made impassable by the quake.

• Pray for children and families whose homes were damaged or destroyed in the earthquake, the 712 aftershocks, or the landslides triggered by the quake. Pray for those who don't have safe or warm shelter in this mountainous area that has also been experiencing recent rains.

• Give thanks to God that no schools collapsed in this quake. In the 7.9 magnitude earthquake that killed more than 70,000 people in May of 2008, many poorly constructed schools collapsed, killing hundreds of students.

• Please pray for the families and friends of those killed in this disaster. Pray God will comfort them and provide them with a community of support and care.

United States
• Pray for the families and friends of two girls who committed suicide in unrelated incidents last weekend. Pray for 17-year-old Brooke's family as they grieve and struggle to understand why she took her life. Pray for Andrea's family as they also mourn the life of this eighth grader who was allegedly bullied at school.

• Please continue in prayer for the victims of the April 15, 2013 bombings in Boston. Pray for healing and comfort for the 264 people, including at least 10 children, who were injured when two bombs were detonated near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Pray for the families and friends of the three people, including an 8-year-old boy, who were killed.

     • Please keep in prayer those who witnessed this devastating attack, especially the children who saw the carnage of damaged limbs and bloodied bodies.
     • Pray for first responders and hospital staff who treated the injured.
     • And pray for the young man who allegedly participated in this attack.
     • Pray for the healing grace of God to be with all those affected by this horrible attack.

• Please be in prayer for those affected by the massive explosion and fire at a 10-acre fertilizer plant in West, Texas on April 17, 2013.

     • Pray God will comfort the families and friends of the 14 people, 10 of whom were first responders, killed when a fire ignited chemicals at the fertilizer plant and triggered a massive explosion.
     • Pray God's healing touch will be upon those who were injured in this huge explosion.
     • Please keep in prayer those whose homes in the residential area near the plant were damaged or destroyed by the explosion. Pray for children and families who were displaced by it.

• Give God thanks for the newly hired youth minister for the Bdecan (pronounced Bah-DAY Chan) Presbyterian Church located on the Spirit Lake Dakota Nation reservation. Please keep this youth minister held close in prayer as he begins working with at-risk youth living on the reservation. Pray for the congregation and staff of Bdecan as they serve God through the work and mission of this church, which is the only Indian Presbyterian Church in the state of North Dakota.

Faces of Children
• Please continue to pray that more churches and individuals will join with the ministry of Faces of Children in spreading awareness about children in crisis and inviting more people to pray for children at risk.

If you have prayer requests about children, those who care for them, those who have authority over them, or those who harm them (the really hard prayers to say sometimes), please send them to Chris Laufer, FOC Coordinator, at

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