Wednesday, March 19, 2014

In the News ... "Midland's food pantries in need of food"

MRT Photo by James Durbin
Ragini Venkatasubban, Reporter
Midland Reporter-Telegram

MIDLAND, TEXAS - Peanut butter. It’s a simple item, but one that many food pantries around Midland need.

“It’s such an excellent source of vitamins and energy, but it’s so expensive,” said Maria Rodriguez, executive director of Area Missions Outreach Services, a food and clothing ministry on the south side of Midland. “It’s something easy that children can fix on their own. We love to put it in our food boxes, but unfortunately, that is something we always run low on.”

Greg Clark, director of the Jubilee Center of Midland, a nonprofit outreach and food pantry, agreed.

“It’s a very nutritious thing for people to give out at a pantry,” he said. “That’s one of the best things you can give, but it fluctuates on the price so much.”

Both ministries obtain food for their pantries by purchasing it from the West Texas Food Bank or relying on donations from local churches, schools, organizations or individuals. On rare occasions, they have enough money in their budgets to buy food from a grocery store. Based on availability and price, there’s never a guarantee they’ll get the items they need the most.

 • read the rest of this story 

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