Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Word from Uganda: "Title Upgrade"

Missionary teacher Natalie Rolfe writes, "'When He calls me, I will answer ... I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.' My call was Mbale, Uganda and that is where I have returned to serve for another year. Specifically, I am teaching phonics at Lulwanda Children's Home, an orphanage and school for 90 kids." Natalie also keeps an online journal of her service at the weblog, When He calls me, I will answer ...

Title Upgrade

On a daily basis I hear my name at least fifty times. But it is not my given name of, Na-tall-ee (as they pronounce it here), it is "Teacha."

Teacha, how are you? Teacha, can I have a (fill in the blank)? Teacha, so and so is disturbing me. Teacha, when are we going to (fill in the blank)? Teacha this and Teacha that ...

 • read the rest of Natalie's post ...

 • help raise funds for Natalie's mission ...

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