Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Word from Uganda: "We move by grace! "

Missionary teacher Natalie Rolfe writes, "'When He calls me, I will answer ... I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.' My call was Mbale, Uganda and that is where I have returned to serve for another year. Specifically, I am teaching phonics at Lulwanda Children's Home, an orphanage and school for 90 kids." Natalie also keeps an online journal of her service at the weblog, When He calls me, I will answer ...

Photo by Kathie H.
We move by grace!

I am so glad that many days in Uganda and at Lulwanda are filled with smiles and jokes shared with the children or little chuckles created by TIA moments (This Is Africa). But not everyday is like that.

We move by grace, from one day to the next. We move by grace while raising these children up. We move by grace in helping to shape hearts. We move by grace in handling disciplinary issues. We move by grace in processing the life that was for them. We move by grace in hoping for the life to come and what the future holds.

There was recently a day that moving by grace was all we had and (as always) the Father's grace was sufficient.

I will borrow the words from the blog of one of the Global Journey team members, Claire, who beautifully captured this days events ...

 • read the rest of Natalie's post ...

 • help raise funds for Natalie's mission ...

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