Thursday, October 12, 2017

FBR Report: "Founding Ranger Passes Away: Mucu Senior Ranger"

The Free Burma Rangers (FBR) is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement. They bring help, hope and love to people in the war zones of Burma (Myanmar) and the Middle East. Groups send teams to be trained, supplied and sent into the areas under attack to provide emergency assistance and human rights documentation. Together with other groups, the teams work to serve people in need.

FBR Photo
Founding Ranger Passes Away: Mucu Senior Ranger

We have lost one of our original founding rangers- Mucu Bani. Mucu Bani passed away from cancer this summer on July 28th and his loss has left a hole in my heart and the heart of us Rangers and my family. Mucu was a Karenni and one of the first four rangers to found FBR in 1997. He was our teacher, older brother, mentor and brother in Christ. It took me a long time to write this because his passing made me so sad, to think of him gone. He died right after we came back form a mission in Iraq and his loss was on top of so many others. He was one of my closest friends and a older brother and adviser to me when we started FBR and taught me how to understand and love the people of Burma and how we could help ...

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this FBR Report ...

CLICK HERE to learn how YOU can get involved in FBR and its mission ...

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