Monday, December 22, 2014

From Austin Seminary: "Advent Devotional" for December 22

"A gift from our community of faith to you. We at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary are devoted to preparing outstanding leaders for Christ’s church. One of the ways that we nurture leaders is by building a loving community of faith and extending God’s grace to others. In this season of anticipation, we extend God’s grace to you and invite you to explore this book of Advent devotions. Through this collection, please join us as we prepare to receive God’s greatest gift—the birth of Jesus Christ."

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Advent Devotional for Monday, December 22

1 Samuel 1:1-18

Christmas is a time for gifts. We give and we receive and we find joy in both giving and receiving.

Hannah prayed with all her heart to God that he would grant her the gift of a son. Hers was not a selfish prayer for a gift that would make her life better. True, she wanted to find respect in the eyes of others and a son would give this to her. But she promised to take her son, and her joy at giving birth to him, and return those gifts to God and to the world. Ultimately, her son, Samuel, “became a trustworthy prophet of the Lord.” Hannah’s gift to God made the world a wiser and a better place.

We speak about our strengths and abilities as our gifts, the things we do well, that give us great pleasure and satisfaction. When we use these gifts wisely and well, they bring beautiful gifts to others. A dancer delights an audience with her grace and technique. A musician moves people to tears with his interpretation of great works. A sportsperson inspires and lifts the spirits of others. If we use our gifts wisely they multiply and make life better for others. Surely, though, some Christmas gifts are purely for amusement and are not designed to make the world a better place—or are they? Is not the joy in a child’s eyes when she receives a longed-for toy a gift in itself to a loving parent or grandparent? Gifts of food and clothing offer satisfaction and warmth. It is good to bring gifts to the ones we love, and to provide gifts for those who have little in this world. God’s gifts to us are so many and so rich— what better way can we serve God than to give whatever gifts we can provide to touch the lives of those close to us, and even to those for whom we care from a distance.

Generous God, give us hearts that are always open and that recognize the many gifts you have given to us. Truly our cup runneth over. Fill us with your generosity, so that we may offer back to your people and to your earth a little of the great bounty we are privileged to receive. In your gracious and holy name we pray. Amen.

Ruth Elswood
Middler MDiv Student

For the glory of God and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary is a seminary in the Presbyterian-Reformed tradition whose mission is to educate and equip individuals for the ordained Christian ministry and other forms of Christian service and leadership; to employ its resources in the service of the church; to promote and engage in critical theological thought and research; and to be a winsome and exemplary community of God's people.

This post produced with Bible Gateway reference/link 

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