Tuesday, October 10, 2023

C.S. Lewis Daily - Today's Reading

Presented by Bible Gateway
Today's Reading

I forgot to record in its place a singularly beautiful dream which I had yesterday morning. I seemed to be reading an Irish fairy tale, but passed gradually from the position of reader to that of actor. I and another – who was at first labeled Warnie but became a nonentity – were visiting a brother and sister: their house looked rather like Leeborough, but I understood that it was a house in faery and that our hosts were Danaan people. I was floating to and from in the air in and out through the branches of a tree with very feathery leaves which I kept shredding off and throwing at the girl who lay on her back in the long grass. She was very fair and dressed in blue I think – or possibly yellow. The whole thing was extraordinarily luminous and airy and a delight to remember.

From All My Road Before Me

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