Sunday, December 16, 2018

From Austin Seminary: "Advent Devotional" for December 16

"Advent ushers us into a season of anticipation, hope, and joy, as we await the day of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Messiah ... We intend this Advent Devotional booklet as a gift of the season for you, to signify our deep appreciation for all that you do for Austin Seminary. And we hope that you will share it with others, so that they may also partake in the blessings of Advent alongside us. Be assured that our hearts are joyful to overflowing as we celebrate together this season that anticipates what my dear friend John Rogers described in the title of his book, “The Birth of God.” May your heart overflow, as well."
G. Archer Frierson
Chair, Austin Seminary Board of Trustees

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Advent Devotional for December 16

Luke 1:57-66

Choosing a child’s name is one of the most important and formative decisions parents make. Whether flipping through books, searching the internet, or remembering beloved family members, naming one’s child is a daunting task. The child will hear it repeated daily for the rest of their life. “What’s in a name?” Juliet asks. Everything.

At the circumcision ceremony surrounded by joyous neighbors and relatives, Elizabeth and Zechariah welcome their newborn son into the covenant community. The crowd expected the pair to name him after his father. But scripture is quick to share, “But his mother said, ‘No; he is to be called John’” (Lk 1:60).

It is not surprising that the ancients would expect for the newborn to have a patrilineal name. However, Elizabeth and Zechariah know that their son’s name must be unique. Despite being a p.k. (a priestly kid) on both sides, their baby boy will take a different path as commanded by God. With parents known for their righteousness, he will continue in their footsteps and take it to a new level as the one called to help people “prepare for the way of the Lord” and “make their paths straight” (Lk 3:4).

What Elizabeth and Zechariah name their baby matters because it expresses their faithfulness and obedience to the word of God. Gabriel, God’s messenger, commanded them to name their only child John. This name was not up for debate. While confronting the pressure and good intentions of family and friends and recognizing the nominal disconnection it will cause, Elizabeth and Zechariah stand firm. They remain committed to God.

John’s Hebrew name translates to “God is gracious” or “God has shown favor.” It connotes God’s favor not only for Elizabeth and Zechariah, but for all of Israel and the world. Even the crowd understood that this child and his work will be special. As Luke writes, “For, indeed, the hand of the Lord was with him.” What’s in a name? In this case, everything.

Amidst the busy-ness and noise of the season, remind us once again, of your redeeming intentions for us through the birth of a child. Amen.

The Reverend Dr. Bridgett Green
Assistant Professor of New Testament (2019)

For the glory of God and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary is a seminary in the Presbyterian-Reformed tradition whose mission is to educate and equip individuals for the ordained Christian ministry and other forms of Christian service and leadership; to employ its resources in the service of the church; to promote and engage in critical theological thought and research; and to be a winsome and exemplary community of God's people.

We hope that you are preparing the way for the Lord in your life as you read these meditations and prayers. And, we hope this Advent season is a meaningful one for you. Please know that Austin Seminary’s dedicated, diverse, and loving community of faith is not complete without you. Did you know?

   Students in our masters-degree programs receive up to 85% need-based tuition aid.
   Historically, more than 80% of our graduates are called to congregational ministry.
   Our students come from more than a dozen denominations.
   Our alumni serve in ministry in forty-eight U.S. states as well as in twenty different countries across the world.

Your gift to Austin Seminary contributes to scholarships, housing, computer equipment, library materials, and other resources needed by seminarians as they fulfill their calls to Christian service and leadership.

Your support underwrites the finest theological faculty and an administration committed to upholding the highest standards possible with respect to the unique vocation of ministry.

Every gift is significant and is appreciated. They are put to work right away and make a real impact. Please send your gift today.

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This post produced with Bible Gateway reference/link 

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