Wednesday, July 20, 2016

WAW Wednesday ... Friendship!

"The Word at Work is a ministry that mobilizes churches and individuals to answer God's call to minister to those in need," writes Rev. Tim Tam, Director of the Amarillo, Texas-based ministry. "Through our relationships, God reveals needs and opportunities for service. As we come along side the poor, new friendships develop and doors for ministry open. As we serve, God provides the resources to supply for the needs he reveals."


Hello Friends,

Our group from Mr. Calvary Church in NC is in the northern part of Belize - their kinship with Luz de Evangelico Church in Orange Walk runs deep - we're grateful they've returned again this year to help with their VBS.

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We often say that ministry happens while we are on our way to do something else - and that has been true at many turns on this trip. While in the North, we received word that of one of our partner's nieces was suffering and in need of a help. Karina's misdiagnosis left her losing weight with no plan to help. Today US & Belizean physicians were able to discern that she has gallstones! Tomorrow she will undergo a procedure and we hope you will pray with us that the procedure will go smoothly and that Karina will be living life to the full again soon!

FPC Ocean Springs is enjoying time renewing friendships and making new ones in the Shawville area of western Belize. The team has split up into small groups and worked with Pastor Robby on his home ... they've shared VBS with the kids from House of Salvation ... some of the team has joined Omega Church in their Breaking Bread ministry (learning to cook Belizean style, and then taking meals out into the community and meeting new folks while sharing a meal) and medical folks have offered a women's clinic.

Today we also helped this young man from a remote village ...

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Pedro, 6, has had an issue with his foot since birth - we traveled to Belize City for a consultation today and we've got a plan for surgery that will help him walk and play. Pedro's mom is blind and they are taken care of by Pedro's grandmother - please keep this family on your prayer list! Pedro had a full day! He was able to see the ocean for the first time - and he saw the Jaguar at Banana Bank on the way home - and he met another friend who has been helped by our friends who are the Word at Work.

Pedro hung out with Moises today - you may remember Moises, this "boy who wouldn't die" - a few years back he was in an awful accident that left his abdomen ripped open and critically damaged - but God has plans for this young man, and after months in the Amarillo where he endured multiple surgeries, he returned to his family in Belize. Today Moises is thriving, making good grades (he's in high school!!) and on this trip he's had the opportunity to see how we go.

Speaking of surgery and medical things ...

Your prayers are helping, friends - we hear from Gene Day that Dallan's surgery was successful yesterday, Praise the Lord! Dallan's US "parents", Gene & Bev have been by Dallan's side through the whole ordeal. Please pray specifically for relief from pain from being on the operating table so long and that Dallan will continue to improve and be released soon. Please also keep Gene & Bev in your prayers as they take care of this precious friend. Thanks.

Finally ...

Our friend Ladeni checked an item off of her bucket list and it's nothing short of amazing. In 2014, Ladeni's leg was amputated because of a large cell tumor. Many of you helped make that surgery possible, prayed her through and helped with her medical expenses - and over the weekend Ladeni CLIMBED THE TALLEST MYAN RUIN IN BELIZE!! Here she is at the top of Xunantunich!

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Keep an eye on this young woman - there's no telling how God will use her story to bless others. #TeamLadeni We love you!

Thanks for being the Word at Work!

tt (Tim Tam)
The Word at Work

ps: Our Ministry Associate team gathers school supplies, toys, and stuffed animals through out the year ... we've discovered blankets are an ongoing need as well, so please be saving them, too. Click here to learn more about becoming a TW@W Ministry Associate, or get in touch with Tim Hagen for more information!

EDITOR'S NOTE: Speaking from my own first-hand experience - working side-by-side with Tim, Kenny and our brothers and sisters in Belize - won't you give thoughtful, prayerful consideration to supporting the efforts of Tim, the Word At Work staff and their partners? Please please fill out this Commitment Card and return it to their office!

Also, remember that you can follow The Word At Work on their Facebook page!

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