Tuesday, September 17, 2019

From @mmm_water ... 2019 Well Season: Daily Devotional

September 14 - October 28 is Marion Medical Mission Well Season for 2019. The season will include daily devotionals - one for each day the U.S. volunteers are overseas, sharing the love of Jesus by providing safe, clean, sustainable sources of drinking water to the extreme poor in sub-Saharan Africa. Marion Medical Mission is one of our mission partners at Grace Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas, and we STRONGLY encourage you to read these devotions to learn more about - and pray for! - their mission.

September 17, 2019

Tim Exley
Volunteer, Georgia

"Jesus looked at them and said 'with man this is impossible but with God all things are possible.' (Jesus referring to salvation told those who questioned him that what is impossible for man is made possible with God)."
Matthew 19:26

Many of us have heard Tom Logan say that we are about to embark on the impossible. How do you get 30,000 bags of cement distributed to very difficult locations spread over 80,000 square miles? How do you coordinate the work of 30,000 Africans doing the countless jobs needed to provide the materials and the labor necessary to dig and construct 3,000 shallow wells? How do you take 40 U.S. volunteers, put them in a very different environment, and have them do tasks they would never have thought they were capable of doing under very difficult conditions? And all of this has to be done in 12 weeks! It certainly does sound impossible. But it happens!

It happens because volunteers and the many people back home who support them pray that God will provide the safety, the strength, and the courage to all who are involved to make it a reality. God's hand touches every person and every aspect of this endeavor to make this venture successful year after year.

For the veteran volunteers who never tire of seeing this happen and the new volunteers who are about to become part of something they could never imagine, God's hand will touch you if you pray and rely on Him to provide what you need to persevere and attempt to do His will. You will be reminded every day that all things are possible with God.

As we make our preparations to go let us not forget that prayer is part of that preparation. Pray and ask others to pray for you and MMM.

Application Question- What is something that you have never tried because you thought you couldn't do it, but you never thought of asking God to be with you if you did try it?

Prayer: Dear God, touch our hearts and remind us that all things are possible with You. Give us courage to attempt the difficult things in life, knowing that You are beside us if we will only ask. Amen

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