Wednesday, September 25, 2019

From @mmm_water ... 2019 Well Season: Daily Devotional

September 14 - October 28 is Marion Medical Mission Well Season for 2019. The season will include daily devotionals - one for each day the U.S. volunteers are overseas, sharing the love of Jesus by providing safe, clean, sustainable sources of drinking water to the extreme poor in sub-Saharan Africa. Marion Medical Mission is one of our mission partners at Grace Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas, and we STRONGLY encourage you to read these devotions to learn more about - and pray for! - their mission.

September 25, 2019

Jessi Stitt
Volunteer, North Carolina

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

It was the last day of installations. I was tired, but feeling good about the last push. My Field Officer said we were aiming to install 9 wells but would turn back at 2pm no matter what so that we were back in time to move and have dinner with the team. We had some longer walks to get to wells and we did the first 6 with relative ease. Number 7 was a bit of a hike and we weren’t able to install, but the village was assured that they would be the first well installed on Team 2. It was about 2:30 and I thought, “6 out of 9 wasn’t too bad.” “No, no. The last 2 are very close together, so we will do those.” I wilted at that point. I was ready to sit down, take a nap, give in, but I didn’t say anything and on we went.

When we arrived, the people were there. It was a very populated area that had 2 wells installed last year and they were being used, but still had long lines! I could see the 2 wells we were to install (very close) and the energy from the crowds of people, the excitement they had was exactly what I needed. I was revived. I bounced and played, splashed and hugged.

We are refreshed when we’ve gone as far as we think we can. Helping others and being with them in community. Push a little bit more and see what God can make happen.

Application Question: Who or what refreshes you when you feel that you’ve put it all on the line?

Prayer: Creator God, thank You for the rest and refreshment You give us. Help us to spread Your light and love in this world even as we push through exhaustion and burnout. Re-create us to continue in Your love this day and always. Amen.

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