Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today in the PC-USA Mission Yearbook

The Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study is a daily devotional with 365 inspiring mission stories that come from next door and all across the globe. It inspires thousands of Presbyterians daily as they uphold the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in intercessory prayer. The stories in the 2013 Mission Yearbook were gathered around the question of Jesus to his disciples, “How many loaves have you?” from Mark 6:38. The book is filled with stories of God’s abundance in the face of overwhelming needs and a scarcity of resources.

Today in the Mission Yearbook: November 14, 2013

PRESBYTERY OF EASTERN OREGON - n 2009, in response to the U.S. economic meltdown, the outreach committee of the Lostine Presbyterian Church began Cook’s Night Off, a regularly scheduled free dinner for those in need. It advertised this event with signage at the church, flyers, radio spots, and announcements in the local paper’s calendar. The dinner features local produce and a hearty main course and pie, all accompanied by old-fashioned gospel music and good conversation. Any money donations received are given to a fund for the local food bank. The committee serves an average of 60 meals to a cross-section of the community.

CLICK HERE to read more.

THE 2014 PRESBYTERIAN MISSION YEARBOOK - Where are the young adults? How often have you wondered, where are the young adults in the PC(USA)? Wonder no longer. The 2014 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study is devoted to the theme of young adults in the church. Its stories, many told by young adults, lift up how Presbyterians of all ages are engaging and joining with Presbyterian young adults in reforming the church for Christ’s mission.

CLICK HERE for more information, and to purchase a copy

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