Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Word from Uganda: "Jesus Loves Children Ministry Crusade"

Missionary teacher Natalie Rolfe writes, "'When He calls me, I will answer ... I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.' My call was Mbale, Uganda and that is where I have returned to serve for another year. Specifically, I am teaching phonics at Lulwanda Children's Home, an orphanage and school for 90 kids." Natalie also keeps an online journal of her service at the weblog, When He calls me, I will answer ...

Jesus Loves Children Ministry Crusade

am amazed at how the Lord puts different passions in the hearts of His people. I am proud of Jerad for his faithfulness and initiative to put on crusades. But not just any crusade, a crusade led by children. With the intent to teach and allow children to serve God at an early age, these Children's Crusades are an amazing opportunity to see how the Lord can use anyone, of any age, to bring glory to His name ...

 • CLICK HERE to read the rest of Natalie's post, and enjoy the photos

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