Friday, May 23, 2014

From @FWMission ... Friday Story: "A Wheelchair Helps an Entire Family"

Founded in 2001, Free Wheelchair Mission is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to providing wheelchairs for the impoverished disabled in developing nations. Headquartered in Irvine, California, FWM works around the world in partnership with a vast network of humanitarian, faith-based and government organizations, sending wheelchairs to hundreds of thousands of disabled people, providing not only the gift of mobility, but of dignity, independence, and hope.

Friday Story: "A Wheelchair Helps an Entire Family"

Greetings and happy Friday!

Kadiatou is a wife and mother of four. As a child, Kadiatou was very active, playing in her yard, talking with friends, but it all came to a halt when one morning at the age of eight years old, she woke unable to use her legs. She has spent the last 40 years of her life crawling on her hands and elbows. Twenty-one years ago she was gifted a hand cycle from a man. It was a great piece of equipment for long distances, but was impractical for use inside of her home, so she had to rely on help from her husband and children to do the daily chores. Now, Kadiatou says, “I am glad that Free Wheelchair Mission and World Vision have given me a wheelchair because I can use it inside the house as it is small and can turn easily.”

Receiving a wheelchair from Free Wheelchair Mission also provided more opportunities for Kadiatou’s family ...

read the rest of this story ...

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